Forensic accountants use their expertise in finance to investigate fraud and other financial misrepresentations. They can be called on to resolve a wide range of situations, from uncovering fraudulent employee expense claims to detecting money laundering schemes. Forensic accounting is an important part of the legal system because it helps provide evidence for criminal cases.
Forensic accountants are often hired by law firms that represent clients who have been accused of wrongdoing. They can also work for companies that want to make sure their employees aren’t stealing from them or harming their business in any way.
Forensic accounting is a distinct profession within the broader field of accounting; there are many different types of accountants, but not all of them are forensic accountants. Each type has its own skill set and expertise.
A forensic accountant uses her training in finance and accounting to investigate fraud, embezzlement, or other wrongdoing related to financial statements or records. She may be asked to analyze financial data related to a suspected crime or illegal activity, such as embezzlement by an employee or theft by a vendor selling goods or services on credit terms. She may also be asked to conduct interviews with employees, vendors, and customers involved in a suspected crime so that she can get more information